Module Tjr_lru_cache__Mt_intf.Lru_msg

type ('k, 'v, 't) lru_msg =
| Insert of 'k * 'v * unit -> (unit, 't) Tjr_monad.m
| Delete of 'k * unit -> (unit, 't) Tjr_monad.m
| Find of 'k * 'v option -> (unit, 't) Tjr_monad.m
| Evictees of ('k'v) Tjr_fs_shared.kvop list
| Sync of unit -> (unit, 't) Tjr_monad.m

The type of messages that we send to the lower level. NOTE that the callbacks are needed to implement the "persist now" mode, i.e., to inform the caller when the operation has committed to disk.