Module Pcache_intf.Pcache_ops

type ('k, 'v, 'r, 'kvop_map, 't) pcache_ops = {
find : 'k -> ('v option't) Tjr_monad.m;
insert : 'k -> 'v -> (unit, 't) Tjr_monad.m;
delete : 'k -> (unit, 't) Tjr_monad.m;
detach : unit -> (('k'v'r'kvop_map) detach_info't) Tjr_monad.m;
blk_len : unit -> (int, 't) Tjr_monad.m;
get_origin : unit -> ('r Tjr_plist.Pl_origin.t't) Tjr_monad.m;
pcache_sync : unit -> (unit, 't) Tjr_monad.m;

For the detach operation, we get the map upto the current node, and the map for the current node. NOTE if root_ptr = current_ptr, then nothing was detached.