Module Isa_btree.Constants

B-tree constants: minimum leaf size etc. These constants should be chosen so that nodes and leaves fit in a block. Clearly this depends on the block size, the size of keys and values, the on-disk format etc.

NOTE this module also contains deriving yojson functions.

include Isa_btree__.Constants_type
type constants = {
min_leaf_size : int;
max_leaf_size : int;
min_node_keys : int;
max_node_keys : int;
val constants_to_yojson : constants -> Yojson.Safe.t
val constants_of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.t -> constants Ppx_deriving_yojson_runtime.error_or
val _ : constants -> Yojson.Safe.t
val _ : Yojson.Safe.t -> constants Ppx_deriving_yojson_runtime.error_or
val mk_constants : min_leaf_size:int -> max_leaf_size:int -> min_node_keys:int -> max_node_keys:int -> constants
val dest_constants : constants -> (min_leaf_size:int -> max_leaf_size:int -> min_node_keys:int -> max_node_keys:int -> 'a) -> 'a
val cs2s : constants -> string
val mk_cs : int -> int -> int -> int -> constants
val cs1112 : constants
val cs1124 : constants
val cs1136 : constants
val cs2312 : constants
val cs2324 : constants
val cs2336 : constants
val cs3512 : constants
val cs3524 : constants
val cs3536 : constants
val all_constants : constants list