Module Tjr_path_resolution

Path resolution; don't open - comp_ is alised to string

module String_util : sig ... end
module Intf : sig ... end

Main types; don't open - comp_ is aliased to string

include Intf.Public
type comp_ = string

Path components

type ('fid, 'did, 'sid) resolved_comp =
| RC_file of 'fid
| RC_dir of 'did
| RC_sym of 'sid * string
| RC_missing

fid - file id; did - dir id; sid - symlink id

type ('fid, 'did, 'sid, 't) fs_ops = {
root : 'did;
resolve_comp : 'did -> comp_ -> (('fid'did'sid) resolved_comp't) Tjr_monad.m;

Operations we require from the underlying filesystem; essentially we need to be able to look up a component in a directory

During path resolution, we need control over whether the last component should be followed if it is a symlink

type ('fid, 'did, 'sid) simplified_result' =
| File of 'fid
| Dir of 'did
| Sym of 'sid * string
| Missing

The result of path resolution (simplified to reduce complexity). A "successful" resolution gives one of the following

type ('fid, 'did, 'sid) simplified_result = {
parent_id : 'did;
comp : comp_;
result : ('fid'did'sid) simplified_result';
trailing_slash : bool;

We also need additional information about the resolved result, such as the containing directory, the last path component, and whether there was a trailing slash on the path

type ('fid, 'did) resolved_err = [
| `File_followed_by_slash_etc of 'did Intf.state * comp_ * 'fid
| `Missing_slash_etc of comp_ * 'did * string
type ('fid, 'did, 'sid) resolved_path_or_err = (('fid'did'sid) simplified_result('fid'did) resolved_err) Stdlib.result
module Path_resolution : sig ... end

Path resolution algorithm

type ('fid, 'did, 'sid, 't) resolve_t = follow_last_symlink:follow_last_symlink -> cwd:'did -> comp_ -> (('fid'did'sid) resolved_path_or_err't) Tjr_monad.m

Core type of the resolve function

follow_last_symlink:follow_last_symlink ->
cwd:'did ->
comp_ ->
( ('fid,'did,'sid)resolved_path_or_err, 't) m
val resolve : monad_ops:'t Tjr_monad.monad_ops -> fs_ops:('fid'did'sid't) fs_ops -> ('fid'did'sid't) resolve_t

The resolve function provided by this library, parameterized by the monad and the underlying filesystem operations

monad_ops:'t monad_ops ->
fs_ops:('fid, 'did, 'sid, 't) fs_ops ->